Lizzie is a vivacious woman who always goes the extra mile for everyone around her. You will recognise Lizzie in our online classes with her fab hair colours (matching outfits none the less!) and always trying to do the ‘next option’.
7 years ago we first met Lizzie who was then trying to rehab her knees, she has rheumatoid arthritis – which effectively is her body’s immune system attacking her joints one by one. This means that over time more & more joints can become affected. as you can imagine this can be pretty challenging mentally, emotionally and physically for anyone with RA, for many different reasons from pain, fatigue, frustration, a feeling of being let down by your body & more.
Now we know that Lizzie has had her fair share of hard times (as with anyone!) but she really has a warrior spirit. as we have worked together over the years managing her challenged joints and her overall strength & mobility (& yes a bit of stress management!) she has consistenly been optimistic and hard working to her goals. We love her sense of humour and kindness.
Lizzie has just returned to classes after (another!) surgery and is already going gang busters- though it is nice to see her taking our ‘Lizzie post surgery options’ that we give her – rather than sneaking in and doing some of the options for other students!!!- though to be completely honest …….we do have to keep a VERY close eye on her practice in class to make sure she doesn’t overdo things!!!!
Thanks for being such a wonderful light in our Adapted family Lizzie- your sheer guts, determination and beautiful personality constantly inspires us as a team xxx
Much love & appreciation your Adapted teachers