Our Blog

Tips, tricks, and advice, from us to you.

We need your help to help more

We need your help to help more

Do you want to become part of our network list? As of next week we will be offering our network list out to those (aka you! and your fellow students) of who they can contact with if they need specific help. We have identified the following areas of need: Financial- we...

Putting things into perspective

Putting things into perspective

By Sheryl Sutherland There is no sugar coating this: we are now in the 13th bear market since the late 1920's with losses of up to 30% in some areas.  And this is against the backdrop of all the current threats facing humanity: global warming, nuclear war, rogue...

Laughter and why we want it in class

We all know how good it feels to laugh and we have a vague idea that yes, laughing is good for us. However it is not always encouraged in Yoga. In fact in some Yoga classes if is downright forbidden. So why do we encourage laughter in our classes here at Adapted?...

Standing Tall

Standing Tall

One of the best goals that a student has shared with me was that he wanted to stand tall in a room. He meant this physically, mentally and emotionally and it has really stuck to me this day. The physical practice of standing tall creates an energy that impacts...

Learn to Relax

Learn to Relax

Relaxation in class (or life..) is really hard!! Calm down.....sadly does not create the calm experience! So what can you do to relax???? Firstly, start by dropping your expectations of what you expect is going to happen- it is unlikely that you will float off without...

Bev’s progress in a year

Bev’s progress in a year

I can't quite believe it's been a year but when I think how unhealthy and unfit I was when I started compared to how I am now, its amazing what a difference a year makes. I was diagnosed with arthritis and decided no pills, I would take yoga instead. I love the...

Margaret’s Success

Margaret’s Success

Margaret is a very inspiring woman. We have been working with Margaret for over a year now and her results are extraordinary. She has worked hard with dedication and focus - always with a twinkle in her eye. Her smile is infectious and we love how kind and considerate...

Rita’s Success

Rita’s Success

Rita is one of our Annual Adapted Prize holders. She is a pure bundle of love and chatter, thanks so much for everything that you do Rita x Hi my name is Rita and I started at ‘Adapted Yoga and Pilates’17 months ago. I have to say that was the best decision I made. I...

Tips for Beginners

Tips for Beginners

Tips for beginnners from Roisin: 1. Getting started is the hardest part 2.In your first few classes you don't have to do the same as everyone else- bring it back and take an easy option (all the teachers give them!) use the free blocks and straps or even the wall. 3....